Saturday, March 23, 2013

Science Websites for Home

1. Weather Wiz Kids 
This website is designed to teach kids all about the different types of weather. If you are struggling with how to explain a weather concept to children then you should check out this site. With the crazy weather we have been experiencing recently, this site could be extremely beneficial.

Another great website for children is this webpage created by NASA. I would recommend this site for older children or younger children with their parents simply because there is so much information on this page. The creators thought of everything Earth related when they created this site such as weather and space.

3. American Museum of Natural History
Just like the NASA webpage, this site is almost overwhelming there are so many resources on it. I was attracted to this page because it explores the different ologies that sometimes confuse people, but there is so much more here to be found. Each topics on the site contains activities, games, information, and so much more for children.

4. Smithsonian Institute 
This webpage, created by the Smithsonian Natural Museum of History, takes children deep down underwater to explore strange and exotic underwater topics. While exploring this site I learned more about the ribbon worm, but there are hundreds more topics that children can read about. This site is more text heavy than the others so parents and teachers may need to explore this site on their own first before involving children in the exploration process.

5. Engineer Girl 
Sorry boys, but this webpage is definitely geared more towards girls. There is a serious problem with the number of people in this world who believe that girls are not good at math and science and that they cannot do the same things as boys. This site says differently though. Created by the National Academy of Science this webpage is designed to teach girls all about the world of engineering.

6. Energy Kids
Energy consumption is an everyday thing here in the US, and this site is designed to teach kids all about energy consumption. In addition, the creators included ways to conserve energy so this site would be a nice companion for Earth Day.

7. Female Scientist Biographies  
I'm not trying to be gender biased with this list, but the biographies on this page are all female scientist. These people could serve as great role models for your daughters or female students. This list however could also be a stepping point for more research that includes male scientists as well.

8. Kids Health
This website is definitely geared more towards health than science, but it is still a really great webpage to use when children are learning about life sciences and their bodies. Young children especially cannot understand life science more beyond themselves. I recently completed a lesson for my science methods course about the heart, and this page has some great resources that could have been used alongside that lesson.

9. Science Kids
This New Zealand webpage contains science experiments, games, information, projects, lessons, and more on every science topic imaginable. I can definitely see myself using this site as a future teacher, and I hope you can find some useful tools here for your family and classroom.

10. Exploring Natural Science 
I created this blog as a way of helping parents teach their children science topics. As a result I almost didn't put this site on this list. I changed my mind however because it contains many science lesson plans that some parents may find interesting and helpful when working with their children. Parents might also want to pass this site along to their child's teachers and caregivers as a simple way of integrating science into everyday life. This site is also really great because teaching standards accompany each lesson.

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